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What Is The Sales Leader Roundtable?

The Sales Leader Roundtable is a discerning peer-to-peer professional development network for sales leaders around the country. This member-only organization consists of a highly competent group of sales professionals, leaders, and managers that have come together to gain and share sales, performance, and training experiences.  We have assembled an exceptional body of qualified sales leaders


Motivational Sales Meetings Ideas

Motivational Sales Meetings Ideas Does your team look forward to being at your sales meetings? Or do they dread it? Are your meetings productive and helpful to your sales team or could they use some help with some motivational sales meetings ideas?! When talking with lots of sales leaders, they always come up with four


What Makes The Sales Leader Roundtable Different

As one of the leaders of the Sales Leader Roundtable, I am often asked why I joined this group. First off, let me tell you the sales leader roundtable is not a training platform. While training is an important aspect of any good sales group, this is more about shared learning with other successful sales


Pre-Call Planning for Better Sales Calls

Pre-call planning is a critical aspect to closing business and is often overlooked and/or taken for granted in the sales process. Before calling prospects, research must be completed to understand your new customer to be. Winging it is not a strategy for a sales call. You are going to want to be familiar with your


Our Top 5 Sales and Leadership Books

Having resources and professional development as a sales leader is important, no doubt. Though attending live trainings help enhance our understanding of sales and leadership, a lot of knowledge, expertise, and techniques are shared through the pages of incredible business books. Some of our favorites around sales and leadership in general not only provide the