Let’s face it – time is our greatest resource. We never seem to have enough of it and it seems to pass so quickly. Sadly, we won’t get any more of it and we can’t slow it down. But, what we can do is make the most of the time we do have. Here are 7 easy tips to make your sales day more productive.
7 Easy Tips To Make Your Sales Day More Productive
These 7 easy tips to make your sales day more productive steps won’t require difficult tasks, but they will require a little work and action to implement. Consider keeping this list of steps on a Post-It to follow along each day to build this process into your life and create the habit of organizing your day to get more out of it.
- Plan Your Day The Night Before – At the end of each day set aside a few minutes and write out all the things you need to do the following day to achieve your goals. Take another moment to pull together all the information you’ll need, phone numbers, and relevant paperwork to work on these goals.
- Prioritize This List – Number each item on the list you made and do the harder jobs first. There’s always the temptation to do the easy jobs first. However, think how the thought of doing the hard jobs or deadline projects hang over you as you do the easy or fun stuff. Think how good you’ll feel when the difficult and demanding tasks are out of the way. You will feel such relief and motivation.
- Stick to Your List – Check off each item on your list as you go and avoid distractions as much as possible. You don’t need to answer every email/text as they come in. Set a schedule to check your email/notifications once every hour, or longer if possible. If you can turn down your phone and stick to your goals you’ll accomplish a lot without having to restart and refocus every time you answer an interruption.
- Don’t Procrastinate – Procrastination really is the “Thief of Time” It’s so easy to put things off till another time or till “I’ve had time to think about it.” DO IT NOW! Refer to step 2 to help overcome procrastination in your work life. If it’s not actually important and it keeps getting put off, maybe it should be bumped from your list in the first place.
- Plan Your Leisure Time Too – Schedule time to relax, work out, go shopping, or whatever it is that you enjoy. If you want to have a movie and pizza night, get it on your calendar. Maybe put it on your Priority List the day before so you remember to leave work on time and give yourself the freedom to enjoy the time you have set aside.
- Be Honest With Yourself – Continue to ask yourself about your mission. “Is what I’m doing getting me to where I want to get to?” If the answer is “no,” change up what you’re doing so it falls in line more with your goals. Review your priority list as you create it to make sure your tasks are matching your priorities. Make note, you might have to make some hard choices here.
- Implement The Three “D’s” – Do it, Delegate it or Dump it. When it comes to incoming tasks, paperwork, and projects, try to handle each piece of paper only once and decide who will take on the tasks and projects necessary. If you can, do something about these things quickly by delegating to someone else, tossing it, or processing it. And remember – “Only do it if only you can do it.” Consider a “Someday Maybe List” for those things not imminent but that you might want to revisit when you have more time.
How Can I Get More Out Of My Day As A Sales Leader?
There are many ways to get more productive and get more out of your day in your sales career. Working these steps into your daily and monthly plans can help you build them into a habit for yourself and your team. Moving forward you will have a process that works helping you get more out of your day.
From here, you can enjoy more free time or find other ways to expand on your sales work list and accomplish more in your career.
Ready To Learn More Powerful Sales Techniques?!
Professional development is the hallmark of exceptional leadership for sales experts. Having an environment where you can gain new insights with a group of your sales peers is a must. A place where you can lean on fellow sales pros for advice, and objective viewpoints, and gain insights is invaluable.
- If you want to interact directly with other top sales leaders and learn from shared experiences.
- If you have a considerable interest in gaining insight and perspective from other influencers outside
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